Thanks for the great first week. You’ve all done wonderful jobs. There were just a few things that we wanted to get out to the labs as soon as possible so please read. This stuff is important.
From Phil:
As of this morning, all of the shift trades that were arranged after orientation have been entered on the schedule. Please look ahead at your schedule and make sure that you are aware of these changes. If there is still a shift that you need to trade or give up email me ( by Saturday at midnight with the following information:
· Day of the week of the shift
· Time of the shift
· The lab the shift is in
· Indicate whether the shift is one that you CANNOT work (and provide the reason) or if it is just one that you DON’T WANT to work
· Indicate whether you are looking to trade the shift or to give it up
General Issues:
Technical Issues – As many of you may have noticed on the home page of the internal website there is a new section labeled “Major technical issues.” We are going to use this to keep all employees informed about current problems that we know about, and are working to resolve. We also want you to submit as feedback any issue that we don’t have up there already, or any new issues that may arise. Be aware that “Major technical issues” refers to issues not specific to a single computer, but something that is happening in every lab. All specific computer related issues should be submitted as ticket through the Support Desk (link on internal website).
Printing – Because of the current issues with printers we are changing the way we report printing problems. After talking with Darin, he decided that instead of calling Signature Printing when we have a problem, we will call 422-4000 instead. When you call, explain the problem, and make sure that they make a ticket related to the problem. This ticket will get sent to Signature Printing, and if not fixed or addressed within two days the status will be changed to stale, and upper management will be notified (i.e. Those who manage signature printing). We hope that this will help resolve the issues with broken printers. Be sure to call 422-4000 with every problem, and every occurrence of a problem. The more tickets that get submitted the more likely they are to be fixed.
From the SAM’s
Open Access Computer Labs
269 McDonald Building – 801.422.4849