Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weekly email

I know you were all sad that you didn’t get an email from us yesterday.  Well, here it is, so enjoy!


Spring/Summer/Fall Plans

We are beginning to plan our hiring and promotions for Spring/Summer/Fall and need some information about everyone’s plans. We have posted a poll question about what semesters you are planning on working in the coming year. Please submit your answer by March 3. We do understand that plans may change, so please contact Kyle if that is the case for you.


On-Duty Trainers

Some of you may have noticed that IT Training has been more responsive in answering questions and calls from you, the lab employees.  They are now keeping a trainer in the office, on duty, during normal business hours.  We know some of you have been hesitant to call with questions since you don’t know if there will be someone there, but don’t worry about that anymore!  Feel free to call 2-1353 with software questions, and feel free to send us feedback about your experiences with the trainers.


Mid-Semester Evaluations

They are due on the 27th (that is this Saturday). Lab Assistants and Lab Consultants each complete 5 and they can be found under the Evaluations tab. Let Kim know if you have questions.


Group Leader Reports

Don’t forget. They are due the 27th and can be found under the Communications tab. Let Kim know if you have questions.


Keep up the great work!


Erika Kimbler

Office Coordinator

IT Training, Labs, and Communications

