Here’s the weekly email. Enjoy!
From Phil
Please update the number of hours that you are available to work next Winter semester. To do this go to the “My Info” tab on the internal website, choose “My Availability,” make sure the semester drop down box is set to Winter 2011, select the appropriate number under the “Hours per week” drop down box, and click “Save Availability.” If you won’t be working in the labs next semester set your hours to 0 and leave a comment to that effect.
Lab Assistant Applications Open: The application can be found under the Jobs tab, and will be available through October 31. If you would like to refer someone for the position please guide them through the process and email a recommendation to Phil, with thoughtful reasons why they would make an excellent labs employee.
From the Technicians:
For now, to logon to Windows Transaction Tool, please use the username oalassist and the password st33pl3. Let us know if you have any questions or problems.
From Spencer
Remember that we are tracking every, I repeat every single interaction that we have with a patron. Please be on top of this, and let us know if there are any issues with the questions tracking.
From the OCs
Remember to check on our blog to vote for Best Dressed! Pictures should be up on the site tomorrow and voting will take place on the internal website. Please remember to vote!
Have a great week! Let us know if you have any questions and enjoy your Halloween weekend!
Rebecca Lewis
Office Coordinator
Open Access Computer Labs
267 MB 422-2647