Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weekly Email

Here’s the day late weekly email! Enjoy!


From Phil

Shift Supervisor applications are open through October 17th. If you have questions about the qualifications, they are listed on the Job Description posted under the application on the Jobs tab.


Lab Assistant applications for Winter 2010 semester will be accepted 10/18-10/31. Spread the word to the motivated and qualified individuals who you think would work well in the labs. To formally refer someone, send me (Phil) an email explaining why they are an excellent candidate.


Everyone is doing great with keeping the dress code! Keep it up and remember to take another look at your wardrobe as the weather cools down.


SAM of Training

Congratulations to Seth Hord who is the new SAM of Training. If you have any questions for him regarding Training and other lab related issues, feel free to email him at seth_hord@byu.edu.



From Seth:

Remember the mid-semester deadline is October 31 (Happy Halloween).  You must have half of your TIPs requirement completed by that date.  If for whatever reason you don’t finish it, e-mail me BEFORE that day and we’ll work something out.


From the OCs:

We will be having a best dressed contest every month. Lynda and Rebecca will each pick random times to visit the labs and take pictures of the lab assistants. A winner will be chosen and they will be given a small prize and a spotlight in the Newsletter. So, remember to look your best because you never know when they will be coming!


Please remember to fill out “pending orders” when inventory is brought to the lab you are working in. This helps us make sure all the labs have enough supplies and the correct inventory.


Remember to send us anything you would like included in the monthly newsletter before the end of the month! Just send the OCs and email if anything important or exciting happens in your life and we’ll put it in!



Thanks and have a great week!


Rebecca Lewis

Office Coordinator

Open Access Computer Labs

267 MB 422-2647