Hope you’re all having a great week!
From OCs:
Behind the Desk
Remember that the only people allowed behind the Lab Assistant desk are lab employees who are on the clock and working. Anyone who is not working should not be behind the desk. Also, lab patrons should not come behind the desk or use the desk stations. Thanks!
From Phil:
Summer Schedule
Remember to pick up your hours for Summer term this coming Monday – Wednesday. If you have questions or need a reminder about your assigned time, shoot me an email at phil_hurst@byu.edu. Also, be aware that during that scheduling period, Monday-Wednesday, the hours exceptions limits will be tampered with again and could create problems with picking up shifts that have been put up for sub. If you are trying to pick up a shift that still falls under Spring term (all shifts through June 18th), and you are having trouble, email me the date and times and I will add the shift for you manually.
Fall Dress Code
Take note of the new post on the internal website that lists sales that are going on at various clothing stores. This will be updated as sales come and go so that we can all be looking good come Fall semester without breaking the bank. Please email me if you hear of any good sales and I will post them.
Note: We will not be posting these sales in the interest of advertising or giving preference to specific retailers, rather it is meant to be a resource for labs employees to prepare for the upcoming dress code changes.
From Kim:
Mid-Semester Evaluations
All Lab Assistants and Lab Consultants will need to complete 3 evaluations about supervisors (please do not evaluate “IT Trainer” or “Lab Supervisor”). Everyone should evaluate their group leader. Evaluations will go up on June 3rd and will be due on June 17th.
Kim is Getting Married
Kim is getting married on June 11th, so she leaves town the morning of June 10th. She will be back in the office Friday, June 18th. If you need something to do with customer service, you can email oat-customer@byu.edu and Spencer Wallin will get a copy. He might be able to take care of you, but if he can’t…Kim will be back soon! If it is a training issue, email oat-training@byu.edu. She will take care of it when she gets back.
Potluck in the Park
We are tentatively planning a potluck in the park for OACL employees at the Rock Canyon Park on the evening of June 29th at 6:30PM. You are invited to attend, bring some food and a guest. Put it on your calendar. There will be more information to come about RSVP, activities, and food assignments. If you have questions, contact Kim or Spencer.
Erika Kimbler
Office Coordinator
Open Access Computer Labs