We hope everyone is having a great start to the new semester! Here is the weekly email for your reading pleasure.
From Darin:
· There is a new folder under the documents tab dedicated to TEC Rooms. Make sure you read the documents in there. In time more documents will be added to help in the training and troubleshooting of the TEC Rooms.
From Phil:
· 20 hours per week: Remember to watch your hours and stay under 20 this week, between Saturday 9/3-Friday 9/9.
· Trading, Giving Up, and Picking Up hours: If you’re still looking to trade or give up hours please email me with the day, time, and location of the shift. Also include whether you’d like to trade or give up the hours and whether you can’t work them (eg. because you have class) or you’d just like to alter your schedule for convenience (It’s fine either way, I just keep that info on file so I can stay on top of urgent situations). I will post this information as a news item on the internal website so that all employees can see what’s available.
If you see hours that you’d like to trade for, contact the individual and work out a deal. When I’ve heard from both of you I’ll change the schedule. If you’d like to take over a shift that is up for grabs, just contact me directly and I’ll add the hour for you.
From Seth:
· Some of IT Training’s classes are listed for 5 hours on their website and 4 hours on ours. That is because they are doing a practical application activity for that last hour. You are not required to go to that last hour and we do not pay you for it. Just to be clear, we only pay you for what is listed on our website. Anything you go to outside of that must be off the clock. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.
· Don’t forget to mark your competency projects as TIPs.
· Don’t forget to e-mail me for your training raise when you have completed your required classes and half of your required TIPs points.
From the Techs:
· We will be hiring a new support technician this semester. Email the OC’s if you are interested. The application will open up in a couple weeks, so keep an eye out for it.
Keep up the great work out there.
Brad Perkins
Office Coordinator
Open Access Computer Labs
267 MB 801-422-2647