From the OCs:
Pending Orders
Please remember to fill out pending orders! It really helps us to know when things are delivered to each lab. Thanks!
Technician Phone
The Technicians have a phone again. You can just call their line directly now, instead of calling the OCs.
Rebecca is going to be out of town for the next 2 weeks. So if you need anything, contact Erika.
Counting Inventory
Inventory in 2212 HBLL isn’t getting counted on Fridays. If you work in 2210 on Fridays, make sure you go in there to count inventory. Supervisors, you should be checking to make sure it gets done.
From Kim:
Cell Phone/Chat Policy
Just a reminder, use of cell phones in the labs is against policy. Please do not check texts or missed calls. Also, the use of chat programs (g-talk, gmail chat, facebook chat, aim, etc.) are also against policy. They distract our attention from the labs. I have noticed a number of people logged into these chat programs while at work. Please log out when on shift.
Another Potluck!
The last potluck was a great get together, so, why not do it again. It is tentatively planned for the second week of August, at 7 PM in Rock Canyon Park. There will be games and food. But what kind of food? Well, that’s up to you. Answer your poll question by the end of the week to put in your two cents. Let me know if you have any questions!
Erika Kimbler
Office Coordinator
Open Access Computer Labs